It is with regret that we have decided to call off this DH Bytes seminar and others in the series planned for this semester.
This will probably come as no surprise to most of you, especially given the government and University announcements of Monday and the consequent necessary shifts in our ways of working, teaching, learning and researching.
We hope to revisit the series for Semester 2, and will be in touch when we are able to go ahead.
Take good care in these challenging and unsettling times!
Join us on Thursday 26 March at 1pm for the inaugural dhBytes seminar at 1pm in Seminar Room 6 at the University’s Central Library | Te Iho Mātauranga o Te Whare Wananga o Otago.
The session will feature two presenters from the University Library, Alexander Ritchie and Judy Fisher, who will each speak for 15 minutes on data and drama in the Humanities. Following that we will have some kai, coffee, and discussion. We will also offer an update on DH initiatives at Otago.
Untied, untidy … and united? Some thoughts on Data in the Humanities
Alexander Ritchie | University of Otago Library
Data science and digital tools are immaterially impactful, not only in the University Library but also across all manner of Humanities, as scholars use data to extend their teaching, develop their thinking, visualise and map their findings, ask new questions and re-answer old ones. Some scholars are uniting with the Sciences in making digital data, those sometimes agitating agglomerations of 0s and 1s, the ground of their research and teaching.

When we seek to untie some of the tightly bound threads of ‘data’ metaphors in a humanities context, and touch on how librarians and libraries are helping to order the ‘untidy office’ of data scholarship, questions seem to multiply decidedly quickly:
Do the Humanities actually have ‘data’?
What should and do Humanists do with the data if we do indeed have it?
What does it mean to be ‘united’ in data in the context of a ‘Humanities-in-crisis’, indigenous data sovereignty, and continual under-funding of the GLAM and cultural sector?
Project – #ItWasGreekToMe | Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne
Judy Fisher | University of Otago Library
#ItWasGreekToMe is/was a digital retelling of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, produced by Jason O’Leary in the Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne. Presented using messenger chats, texts and social streaming video, this transmedia, immersive event / project consciously sought to bring contemporary technology and a several-hundred-year-old Shakespeare play together in experimental unison.
#ItWasGreekToMe | Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne | Act 3 Scene 2: 33.mp4 – asset_#33: Antony speaks on the gram at Caesar’s funeral on the gram. Friends, Romans, countryman lend me your ears…
The DH Bytes Seminar Series
#dhBytes are a series of themed, interdisciplinary seminars that were planned for semester one 2020 with a focus on collaboration, conversation, and connection across disciplines, programmes, departments, and projects both critical and generative.
These have now been postponed until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.